Please read the following to understand how to use the Introduction Letter.Your Introduction Letter is to be sent to women who cannot read English and shall remain a non-personalized letter that you may send to different women. To evaluate if a woman can read English, verify it on her profile. If she indicates ‘’Initial’’ or ‘’Medium’’ for English level, it is a wise decision to send her your Introduction Letter translated in Russian. If the woman indicates ‘’Good’’ or ‘’Fluent’’ for English level, you don’t need this Introduction Letter which will be translated in Russian. From any profile, simply click on ‘’Write a letter’’ and write her your personal letter in English. In any case, remember that the English level a woman indicates in her profile is a ‘’self evaluation’’. Your Introduction Letter will be translated by professional translators who have years of experience. The cost for translating your Introduction Letter is 10 credits (USD 10.00) and you can type up to 650 words. Please make the best of these 650 words and take time to review your letter before submitting it. Once translated, it will cost you another 5 credits (USD 5.00) every time you bring changes to it because the translator will have to review it almost in the same way as a new letter. You can re-use your Introduction Letter as many times as you wish without having to pay for translation again. Simply click on ‘’Send my Introduction Letter’’ from any profile and your Introduction Letter will be sent to this woman. The regular charge of 5 credits (USD 5.00) per letter applies. See Letter Forwarding for more details Don’t begin your Introduction Letter with ‘’Hello Olga’’ because our system will do this part for you. If you are on the profile of a Lady called Olga and you click ‘’Send your Introduction Letter’’ our system will recognize the first name of the Lady and will automatically add ‘’Hello Olga’’ at the top of your Introduction Letter, both on the original English version and on the Russian version. Here a brief example of an Introduction Letter: My name is John Smith and I live in Sidney, Australia. I saw your profile on MyPartnerForever and xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. I’m a father of xxx and I work as xxx. My personality is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. I like to xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and my hobbies are xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. I would like to meet a woman who is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. If you would like to get to know me, please write me back and don’t hesitate to ask any question, I shall answer them all in honesty. Sincerely, The primary language of this letter must be English. If you wish to write it in another language, please Contact Us before submitting it. To create your Introduction Letter: login your account, go in ‘’Messaging’’ and click ‘’Introduction Letter’’ |