Our international dating site has for mission to help single women from Belarus, Latvia, Moldova, Russia and the Ukraine to find a suitable life partner in other regions of the world. For many reasons, among which is the lack of available men in their own country, tens of thousands of Russian or Ukrainian women who don’t wish to remain single, decide to broaden their search of a life partner to different countries, including South Africa.
It is well known that a majority of Russian women still believe in the traditional family values and make excellent wives. It is also not a secret that a good proportion of single Russian men are not looking to get involved in serious relationships where their wife and the family are the priorities. Here is an interesting article about the subject.
Russian and Ukrainian women certainly have the characteristic of being quite elegant, not to say gorgeous. They are generally slim, feminine and quite beautiful looking. The majority have a healthy diet, walk a lot, perform different physical activities and keep fit. Beyond the outside shell, they have the reputation to be excellent housewives and loyal spouses for who their husband and their family are the main priorities. In facts, this can translate by the will to always find solutions to family problems, instead of abandoning and simply begin a new life.
A majority of them are well-educated and have the required tools to develop themselves professionally and in many cases, it is what they do. Thus, as any contemporary women, they have many things in common with women from countries of the west. However, if their husband earns enough to support the family, they don’t necessarily need to keep their own income and financial independency. Of course, their husband needs to deserve this trust and if he does, he will be greatly rewarded. On the other hand, if the family budget requires it, they are also known to be hard workers. In other words, they have the capacity to well adapt to different situations, while always keeping the priority on the couple and the family.
My name is Diana. I’m 38 years old. I am divorced and live in Brest, Belarus. | |
I am Olena from Kiev, Ukraine. I’m 42 years old, never married and seeking a partner. | |
Are you looking for a beautiful 61 years old girl from Almaty? It is me! My name is Natalya and I’m looking for my second half. |
The phenomenon of men from countries of the west who are looking for a bride in Eastern Europe, especially in Russia and in the Ukraine, is quite real and men from South Africa are part of it. The question is: why complicate life and try to find a wife in another part of the world when it is possible to achieve this goal within our own country? Certainly, some men do not have success at finding a wife in their own country simply because they don’t deserve it. For these men, trying to find a wife in Russia is not a good idea and they will most likely only succeed in attracting scammers. However, even though it happens, these cases are a minority. For the majority of men, the reason explaining this phenomenon is quite simple: it is because they cannot find locally a life partner who share their family values.
The same question arises in regards of Russian women: why are they looking for a husband from the outside when it is possible to find one in their own country? It is not rare to hear people saying “they are all scammers; they are only looking for money and a way in a country of the west”. Certainly, as in any country, there are people for whom money is more important than anything else in the world, but for the majority of Russian women who are looking a husband from the outside, the reality is that they are doing it simply because they cannot find a family oriented man in their own country. Thus, this is the common fact that explains why, each year, thousands of men travel to Russia and the Ukraine to find a wife and at the same time, thousands of Russian and Ukrainian women join their husband in South Africa and other countries of the west.
MyPartnerForever and their partner marriage agencies have the mission to help single women from Belarus, Latvia, Moldova, Russia and the Ukraine to find a suitable life partner from the outside, generally from countries of the west. We offer a wide range of services to help men who wish to find a bride in these countries. It is important to mention that our services are intended for serious and mature men who are looking for a woman to develop a relationship based on love and not for those who are looking for adventures. Note that we are not judging the motivations of anyone, we simply want to make it clear about the nature of our services.
It is not a secret that many men from countries of the west, including South Africa, cannot find a life partner who believe in the traditional family values and wishes to share a relationship based on these fundamental values. Because of demographic and social factors, many women from countries of former USSR, including Belarus, Latvia, Moldova, Russia and the Ukraine, are in a very similar situation; they strongly believe in the traditional family values and they cannot find locally a life partner who wishes to engage in a serious relationship. This explains the phenomenon of the numerous couples formed with men from countries of the west and Russian women. If you believe that one of these charming ladies could someday be your life partner, don’t hesitate any longer and try your luck and, who knows, maybe you too will find happiness!